Mother's Day 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

It was a great Mother's Day this year. We spent some time with both sides of the family over the course of the weekend. It was my niece's birthday on Mother's day so my sister planned a big party with a pinata and lots of fun games for the kids. We all pitched in and got my mom "The Prince of Peace" picture from Liz Lemon Swindle. My sister-in-law works for Liz in her shop by making frames, so we're always able to get awesome deals on her paintings. I had fun taking pictures of the event, I got a few cute pictures of my nephew and Ashlan. I wish I had more time to dedicate to learning more about my camera and photography. I love taking pictures, I just need more practice.

On Mother's Day we all went to church for the first time together since Sophie was born. Boy was it a mad rush getting everybody dressed and hair done! I wish I had more time to make their hair look cute (without waking up at 5 am), but having 9 am church we're barely making it out the door....not necessarily happy either. I like to consider myself a punctual person (or at least I try my best) and I do not like being late to anything. So when the clock is ticking and it's time to be out the door and we're not ready I start stressing. Then we all end up at church (or wherever) in a bad mood, because when Mom is unhappy nobody is happy. Ken reminds me each time that it doesn't matter if we're a few minutes late, it's not the end of the world. Thanks for the continual reminders hon, I'm sorry I still don't get it after 11 years. :) I came home with Ellie and Sophie after sacrament meeting -- we're gradually making it back while trying to avoid anymore sickness. We headed to Ken's parents for dinner. His brother, John, was awesome and made the whole dinner and it was DELICIOUS! It was nice to be pampered for a day and not have to cook anything. He also brought his guinea pigs for the girls to play with since every time we get together they beg him to bring them. We ended the night with fun competition of UNO and Pictionary. Ken felt bad that he didn't get me anything, but I told him I didn't need anything because I had already taken care of my's just easier that way. :) Desert Book had their art on sale and I had a coupon for $10 off, so I went and ordered "The Lord is My Shepherd" by Simon Dewey. I can't wait to get it! Oh, and Ken's parents were kind and offered to come over Friday night to watch the girls for us while we went out to dinner. It was our first outing without the baby in was nice to get away for a moment without the girls.


Jennie said...

I'm glad you guys are able to get out a little bit more now. I'm jealous of your sil's art connection. That is a good one to have!