3 Months Old

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sophie is growing like a weed....(but cuter). She loves to be talked to and played with. She has found her smile and her laugh, sometimes she's not sure exactly how it all works. She's been sleeping pretty much through the night for over a month. She found her thumb today and was desperately trying to get something out of it. I'm not sure which I like better, thumb suckers or binkie suckers. I've had both and they are both hard to get rid of. Her sisters love to hold her, kiss her, and make her laugh.

Last Thursday she woke up from her nap a little warm. I figured I would take her temperature, but was sure it was just from being bundled up. It was not so, she had a 102.6 fever. I decided to call the dr. to see if they could give me any advice. With her being so young and the fever pretty high they wanted to see her. Of course I had book club at my house that night. I was planning to make a few more things, but ended up calling Ken to pick up the remainder of the meal at Sam's club on his way home. When I got there the dr. tried to look in her ears, but there was too much wax. She put some drops in her ears to let it sit and loosen up, Sophie did not like that! After figuring out that it wasn't her ears, they moved on to the next test -- a urine test. While that was getting tested they wanted to take some blood. She has such chubby arms that they couldn't find a good vein. They held her down and poked a couple times trying to find the right spot. It was torture for me (as it is for all moms I'm sure!). They finally moved down to the foot (not the first choice, but the only one left) and was able to get some. The Dr. came back saying that she had a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). They gave her an antibiotic shot and I had to stay for another 20 minutes to make sure there wasn't an allergic reaction. I didn't get out of there until about 6:30 at which I raced home to get everything ready in time. It all worked out in the end. I took her back up the next afternoon to get a 2nd shot of antibiotics.

We are scheduled this Tuesday to get an ultrasound of her Kidneys (to make sure everything is okay with them because of the UTI). They will also do a bladder test -- they will need to sedate her, fill her bladder up with fluid and watch/take pictures of how it empties. I'm hoping that it was just a fluke thing that happened and it's not because she has reflux. We shall see!


Mechelle said...

What a little trooper she it! She must get it from her mom;) Stay sane Brindy!