My Little Angel

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sophie is such a great baby! It's amazing how fast her moods change, well I guess not, she's a girl. :) One minute she is happy, the next she starts to get a little fussy as she decides she is getting tired and then all of a sudden she's fast asleep. It all happens within 5 minutes or less. :)

On Tuesday, June 9th we headed up to McKay Dee Hospital to have her tests done for her UTI. They did the ultrasound on her Kidneys first and then they took us back to do the VCUG test. I was prepared to have them sedate her to do the test, but the dr. said that because she is so little they wanted to try it without first. I was happy that they didn't have to put her under for a fairly quick test. They instructed me to not feed her past a certain by the time we went in for the test, she was getting a little hungry. They grabbed a couple bottles of Pedialyte for her and to my amazement she chugged them both down during the course of the test. It worked out perfectly because she sat there so still just drinking away, not paying attention to what was happening. They put a catheter in her and then filled her bladder up with contrast material. They took xray pictures of her bladder as she peed it out. They were looking to see if the urine backs up (refluxes) from the bladder to the ureters, and eventually the kidneys...which causes infection (UTI). It took no more than maybe 15 minutes to do the actual test and then we were done. She was a trooper!

The test results showed that her kidneys looked good. Her dr. did say that she does have vesicoureteral reflux. They grade them on Level 1 to Level 5, with 5 being the worst. Thankfully Sophie is only at a Level 1. My dr. recommended that we go see a urologist at Primary Children's. She mentioned that there are studies going around that when there is a single umbilical artery during pregnancy that they are more pron to Urinary Tract Infections. Interesting. So she is on an antibiotic for a while to keep her from getting another infection and we'll see if she outgrows it or what will need to be done.


Jennie said...

What a blessing to have all of the testing done with out a lot of problems or complications. It sounds like good news for the most part. Good luck at PCMC - they are wonderful.

Heats said...

Hey Brindy! She is so cute!! It is nice when they moods pass quickly especially into sleep!!