School Biography Report

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The whole third grade participated in this project. They had to pick a positive role model and do a report on that person. They were also required to find a costume that would go along with their character. Ashlan of course picked Miley Cyrus....her teacher gave her permission, so I went along with it. :) The night before we ran to the trusty old Wal-Mart to see what we could find costume wise. We found this Hannah Montana dress on clearance for $7, some matching bracelets, and fake nails (which she earned from jobs and had been begging me to get). I'm not sure what other kids did their project on, but I'm glad I didn't have to be very creative in trying to find a costume to match her person. At the end of the day all the students at the school were able to go around and learn 3 facts about each of the characters by touching their hand -- kind of like statues. It sounded like a creative way to incorporate what they had learned through the reports they had written.