I am not sure what to think!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ken was looking out through our back door tonight and saw something unbelievable. No, unfortunately it wasn't a pretty sunset. He saw FIVE goats (horns and all) in our neighbors backyard. I didn't believe it until I saw it. Maybe somebody can help me understand why somebody would want 5 BIG goats hanging out in their TINY backyard. I wouldn't mind so much if I was living out in the country with wide open spaces, but in the city where our houses almost touch? I'm thoroughly confused, really.


Sorensen's said...

Strange! Sometimes you really have to wonder about your neighbors.

Brande J. said...

hahaha, that's hilarious! Is it the ones with the loud abnoxious dogs? Maybe they just want to annoy you. I think it's a sign that you need to move. :)

Jennie said...

Seriously? Maybe they are just temp. weed control.

Jewels said...

Wow, for reals?? I am speechless, best of luck with your billy goat friends!! I must say I will never get mad when our neighbor dogs poop in our yard EVER again!!

Smithfield home for sale said...

That is so weird, hopefully the don't get out! Could you imagine goats chasing the neighborhood kids around.

Allison said...

That is classic. I don't even know what to say to that other than REALLY!?!? Let us know what happens.

B Flat Major said...

Some people milk them. Are you thirsty?

. said...

I think that goats are more affordable than a law mower. Do you think they use them for milk? yummy!

Stephanie said...

I know quite of few people in my ward (in small suburban neighborhoods with small yards) that have goats for their milk (this is the closest milk to human milk- a few ladies have their babies on this because they have so many allergies to formulas and they can't nurse). These same people have chickens too:) I would actually like both some day- for long term food storage purposes to be honest!!

shauntelle said...

is there not a city ordinance against that?