What Ellie used to look like when she was a baby. I was going back through some pictures for my blog book I am working on and I found this baby picture of Ellie at 4 months old. They could be twins! I remember wanting to snuggle and kiss Ellie all day long because she was the happiest and chubbiest baby, I couldn't get enough of her. I feel the same way about Sophie...she is so cuddly, I am trying to enjoy every minute with her. Time is going by way too fast.
Sophie definitely has some funny faces that she pulls. She's quick to give a smile, but not so quick to give laughs. It's hard to get her to laugh really hard. She'll do little squeals, but we really have to try hard to make her laugh really loud. She has learned to suck on her 2 front fingers...those are her fingers by choice if her binky isn't available. She goes down for naps and bed so easily. I wrap her up and lay her in her bed and she goes right to sleep. Sophie loves to cuddle with her blankets, she needs a blanket usually to go to sleep...and you wonder why all our girls have been attached to their blankies from day one. She sleeps at least 9 hours each night, but that doesn't mean that mom gets that much sleep. :) It's so hard for me to go to bed once the kids are asleep...it's my peace and quite time and I try to make it last as long as possible. The night just goes by too fast! Her sisters all adore her. Sophie can't be in the room without all 3 girls getting on top of her trying to make her laugh/smile or to give her hugs and kisses. She's rolled over a few times, not quite a pro yet since I haven't been as good to lay her down to practice. I know once I lay her down on the floor she'll be mauled.

She is still spitting up quite bit, even with her medicines. I took her and Ellie to the Dr. last week because Ellie's ear was hurting and Sophie was choking on her spit and gasping for air. The Dr. gave me a prescription for Zantac to see if that would help the fussiness and the spitting up. So now she is taking Prevacid and Zantac for spitting up and Bactrim (anti-biotic) to make sure she doesn't get another infection. I still suction her about every other day...she gets all stuffy and she can't breathe very well while she's eating. It's nice to still have the high powered suction machine at our house...I'm sure they'll be calling for it soon. :)
Ellie has another ear infection in both ears...it seems like she gets it every few months. Her last one was in February. I think she has a really high pain tolerance because she only complained one night that it hurt and I could tell that it was bothering her. Back in February she didn't pass her well child hearing test so when the Dr. looked in her ears she said she had an ear infection. We'll see if this round of medicine works...we may end up getting tubes in her ears if we can't keep them clear.
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