Mother-Daughter Activity

Friday, September 25, 2009

We had so much fun at the Mother-Daughter Activities Day Activity. They provided a yummy chicken dutch oven dinner for us. Afterward we played "How well do you know your Daughter/Mom". We tried to guess what the other one likes, dislikes or how they would answer. We didn't do so well. I think mostly because I'm so indecisive about things that I didn't even know what my favorite movie or food was. :) Seriously, I'm that bad! Afterward we split into groups and we were given a theme of what we were suppose create with tissue paper. We got "Church Attire". It was harder than it looks! We then had a fashion show with all the girls modeling their modest clothing designs and there were some very creative ideas. Ashlan was a little hesitant at first, but then gave in to the pressure. We had a great night out!