School Carnival

Friday, September 18, 2009

I didn't take many pictures on this night. I need to be better at getting my camera out for these little events. The girls had fun running around playing games with their friends and teasing boys. Ashlan and Bailey's goal I think for the night was to drive Jared and Isaac crazy and I'm pretty sure they succeeded. :)

I volunteered for the last hour of the night, which I was happy to do since they were supportive of the carnival that I was in charge of a couple years ago. The highlight of the night, well maybe the most memorable part, was as we were eating our pizza, pop and cookie dinner I took a bite of my blue star cookie and I got this unbelievably bitter taste in my mouth and immediately spit it out. I looked on the bottom and it was covered in mold. I think whoever picked up the donated cookies kept them in their car for far too long. I even went back to warn them & to switch it out, but got another moldy cookie. YUCK!