Where the Wild Things Are

Friday, December 18, 2009

Ken's parents came over tonight to eat take-out Chinese from Imperial Dragon and to hang out with the family. The girls have been dying to watch "Where the Wild Things Are" all week and so with it being our Friday movie night, that is what we did. I tried to get them to change their minds and play some games, but the girls' minds were made up. :)

It was a pretty good movie. It's very interesting in the way it taps into all the emotions of a young child. Ellie was watching it intently. When the credits started rolling we were slowly getting ready to head back up stairs. Ken looked over at her and she had her blanket covering her face and she was crying. Ken asked what was wrong, but she wasn't talking. I scooped her up to hold her on my lap and she buried her face in me and continued to cry. I was asking her questions...I thought (and assumed) that she had gotten hurt somehow, but when I asked her about it she shook her head. I asked her if she was sad about the movie and she nodded her head. She was so distraught over what had happened at the end that she was crying pretty hard.

It had been about 15 minutes....Ralph & Elna just had left and so we headed up stairs to get ready for bed and brush Ellie's teeth. After I was done I continued to quiz her about why she was crying...I was still questioning whether she really was sad and not hurt. She proceeded to tell me how sad she was with the ending and she started to choke up again. Ellie had to stop herself from crying really hard...pausing in between words. It was the cutest and most touching thing to see her have such strong emotions, especially towards a movie...she really knew what was going on. When Ken saw her getting emotional again, he got a little choked up too. Looks like it runs in the family. :)


B Flat Major said...

You tell Ellie she's not alone. I've always been a movie-crier. When I was 3 I cried at Bambi when I saw it in the theater, and I think I even cried during Cinderella, even though I can't figure out why! We watched Up with the kids last week, and I almost cried when his wife died, but I held it in. :-)

Jennie said...

We haven't seen that movie yet. It looks like we'll have to rent it. I always loved the book.

What a sweetie. Such a tender heart for such a young age.

Brande J. said...

Oh, that is so cute. I haven't seen the movie yet. Is it worth watching if it causes that much emotion in a 3 year old?