Braces, Braces and More Braces!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The girls finally got their braces today. They have been anxiously awaiting this moment for 8 weeks now. It was a crazy week with a R.S. Birthday Luau I was in charge of and Book club at my house. Last week the school sent home picture forms for class pictures for that exact same day, but for some reason I wasn't thinking ahead (I had too much on my mind) and thought it was on Monday. I curled the girls hair and they were all set for picture day. They came home and said, pictures aren't until tomorrow. Seriously? I am usually on top of things and I'm a planner, but this slipped right by me. So I had to wait till morning to call the school (20 min. before we had to be at their appt.) to make sure they wouldn't miss their class picture day. Luckily they weren't until right before lunch and after lunch. I was very close to canceling that morning and I would have felt horribly guilty because they could have used those spots for somebody else. I was hoping we could get by one more class picture without braces, but they wouldn't take no for an answer. By the end of the day when I pick them up from school they were complaining about their teeth hurting. I had braces twice, so I remember the pain you get for a few days after they work on them. They chose light green and dark green bands for St. Patrick's Day.


Brande J. said...

Ouch! Yeah, I hated braces. I'm sure they are loving them :) Cute pictures.